K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Sones vs Suzy fans

Pann: Top comments on a Suzy article a day before Jessica's situation broke out and top comments on a Suzy article after the situation

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Suzy article on Naver before Jessica's situation:

1. [+604, -176] Her recent pictures show that her mentality has problems... Go and get checked at a mental health unit before it's too late

2. [+513, -107] ㅡㅡ I find it so weird

3. [+486, -124] I'm an ahjumma. The picture looks like it's for promoting. Is she good at singing? Dancing? Her acting is terrible. She got popular with her first love image from a movie

4. [+367, -67] Attention seeking patient...

5. [+335, -51] Did she get her left eye beat up? Why does it look like it?

6. [+396, -126] It looks like a ghost, so scary

7. [+219, -37] She looks like a girl you can find everywhere

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Soshi fansite:

"We dominated all the ten best replies ㅋㅋㅋ We proved that Suziphant is a psychopath to the entire nation ㅋㅋ"


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After Jessica's situation broke out, when Sones couldn't care about Suzy anymore:

1. [+337, -39] Ian Somerhalder? The person Suzy likes

2. [+280, -50] Oh ㅋㅋ Isn't it Ian? Good drawing

3. [+235, -42] Ian Somerhalder is so handsome. Suzy is so pretty

4. [+222, -59] She's also good at drawing


1. [+186, -143] Even though Sones act like that, it's Suzy>Wall>Soshi

2. [+174, -47] Do Sones have something against Kim Tae Hee and Suzy? Why are they so butthurt?

3. [+169, -58] We all know that it's Sones who manipulate the comments on Suzy articles ㅋㅋ I'm so sick of Sonecockroaches... They're manipulating stuff because Suzy is beating with the visual and popularity... And Yoona fans need to stop being butthurt over Suzy

4. [+52, -7] Today, I also saw them manipulating comments on Suzy articles. It's so obvious that they're Sones. Suzy beat Yoona with her visual as soon as she debuted. She's still popular with dramas, CFs, and dramas, so I guess they're butthurt

5. [+46, -7] Isn't Suzy much prettier than SNSD? I'm not a fan of either side but I find Suzy much prettier

6. [+44, -3] I was wondering why Suzy was getting so many hateful comments. They're all Sonecockroaches... How are they different from ilbe bugs?


Pann: Yoona and Suzy's pre-debut middle school grad pictures 


1. [+156, -54] Why do Suzy fans always bash other celebrities to praise Suzy ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+138, -122] Suzy totally wins

3. [+133, -143] Didn't Yoona get work done before debuting? But Suzy was still prettier, a difference in class

4. [+62, -53] Suzy is really pretty. The reason why Yoona fans manipulate comments on Suzy articles is because people find Suzy prettier than Yoona, right?

5. [+42, -10] Yoona has no makeup on but Suzy does...

6. [+39, -20] Stop this, you idiots. I'm not a Yoona fan but I feel bad. It's not like Yoona never said she's prettier than Suzy. Why are you guys bashing an innocent girlㅠㅠ You called her unpopular and stuff and now you're calling her ugly. Whether Yoona is pretty or not, she's richer than you and she'll get married well. I understand that Sonecockroaches leave hateful comments and do bullshitting. But Suzy fans need to stop acting the same. Suzy will only get hate from this

7. [+28, -13] Am I the only one who finds Yoona prettier...

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