K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Jiyeon's solo comeback

Pann: T-ara Jiyeon's shows "bat dance" in her new song


1. [+238, -36] I think she's exceptionally good at stripping :)

2. [+188, -41] Our Park Yebbeum-ssi is again crawling out for more hate? You need money? ㅋ

3. [+116, -0] Sotnikova for bat dance.


4. [+64, -302] Do well!!!


5. [+55, -26] Hul the gif in the best reply is really gross...

6. [+46, -18] I liked Jiyeon a lot because she was pretty, but if I were her, I wouldn't be able to promote further because I'd be embarrassed. The pictures of her naked body are all over the Internet... I'm sure other singers saw it too and the public's view is bad, isn't she embarrassed? I even feel bad for her, I would never be able to be like that, I'd be really sorry for my parents.

7. [+44, -18] Bullshit.

8. [+34, -7] I do approve her determination... Park Yebbeum who never gives up 

9. [+33, -5] I don't know but I just really dislike her. I honestly have no interest in the Hwayoung incident but I just dislike her so much. Her face just gives off the unpleasant vibe and shows so much greed... The gif in the best reply totally ruined my mood. Ah why do I dislike her so much... I want her to stop being annoying, I hate seeing the fans being annoying, and it's so dirty how her solo promotion keeps being media-played on Pann. Her comeback is so gross and I have to change channels whenever she's on music shows. Doesn't she think this is annoying the viewers? Doesn't she care how she ruins the viewers' moods? There's a limit to "I don't care" attitude. How dare her shoveling that dirty face into us. Dirty and disgusting. Gross bitch. Keep being a sly fox. Keep being annoying with Kwangsoo sponsor on your back. The world knows that your face is dirty and gross. Please screw off because you're just dirty.

10. [+25, -1] Yebbeunnie hi~


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