K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Korean B1A4 fans' cool thoughts on B1A4 dating

Pann: I heard B1A4 J.Y has a girlfriend

(This post is bluntly asking if Jin Young has a girlfriend)


1. [+86, -3] Even if he has a girlfriend, he's not the type of person who would ignore his fans.

2. [+68, -2] So what if he does? He treats his fans well. If he does have a girlfriend, then we can congratulate him. Celebrities are humans.

3. [+57, -5] Celebrities are human likes us, so of course he would have one, wouldn't he? If Jin Young decides to go public with his relationship, I would agree and hope him the best, no I'm actually joking. He'll pinch his girlfriend's cheeks just like he does to Sandeul, right? I should go die.

4. [+29, -7] Banas are so kindㅠㅠㅠㅠ  The fans are the same as the singers. Do you think he's never been asked out with a handsome face like that? He seems to have good personalities. And stop spreading rumors without any proof and make us Banas nervous.

5. [+23, -0] Why are you Banas so kindㅠㅠㅠㅠ I want to be like you guys ㅠㅠㅠ

6. [+17, -0] As long as she doesn't pull a Kim Do Yeon.

7. [+17, -0] Honestly I wouldn't mind if he has a girlfriend. The members would still treat fans well and since their debut, they seemed to strongly separate themselves from female idols and barely had any scandals so I was afraid that they would have no female idol friends. I'm OK with them dating as long as the girl is OK.

8. [+16, -0] It's not like we like them as men, we like them as singers.

9. [+16, -0] Ah... Why are these fans so kind on a post like thisㅠㅠ

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