K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Kim Woo Bin's love for babies

Pann: Kim Woo Bin bursting into laughter at a baby in dinosaur clothes


1. [+148, -1] ㅋㅋㅋ The baby's in dinosaur clothes ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+125, -1] Guys who can hold babies are attractive...

3. [+77, -3] Ah he looks similar to Benny but he also likes babies ㅋㅋㅋ I envy the baby, though ㅠㅠ


4. [+25, -0] My first impression on him wasn't good because he was scary-looking but seeing how he treats his fans and seeing his passion of being a model, I became a fan. He's modest and unlike how he looks, he's kind.

5. [+23, -1] Facial expressions never lie. I can tell he truly adores the baby.

6. [+21, -0] Whoa... I'm not a fan of him, but it's not easy for non-married men to easily hold a baby like that. Even women find it hard.. I can tell how he likes baby. These are the best pictures of Kim Woo Bin so far.

7. [+20, -1] My heart flutters when I see guys holding babies in one hand.

8. [+15, -0] Why are you so good at carrying babies ㅠㅠ My heart flutters.

9. [+14, -0] Cute... <3


10. [+13, -0] Ah dinosaur ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I now understand. The mother has humor.

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