K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Jessica and Park Minyoung looking so much alike

Pann: Jessica and Park Minyoung looking like sisters 


1. [+140, -43] Did they get plastic surgery from the same place because they're so close? Why do they look so much alike?

2. [+114, -39] Did they get work done from the same place... How come they look so much alike?

3. [+99, -19] They look so similar to each other.

4. [+64, -77] I'm so sick of people mentioning plastic surgery... Is plastic surgery illegal or what?? Why are you guys talking about it when they paid their own money for it? And it's not like they got everywhere done, they only got their eyes done. Their face shapes were originally pretty, they lost weight, and got their eyes done. And these days, double eyelid surgery is a must. Try going to a plastic surgery place in Gangnam. The appointments are always full and it's packed with grade 12 students. Students get work done on breaks and adults get work done on vacations. Anyone gets more plastic surgery than celebrities do. Park Myungsoo once said you have to have a pretty face to become prettier by plastic surgery. So even though you butthurt people get plastic surgery, you guys will never be able to look like Jessica and Park Minyoung.

5. [+29, -0] Park Minyoung looks like Jessica's sister more than Krystal ㅋㅋ

6. [+21, -1] If you tell foreigners that they're twins, the foreigners are gonna believe it.

7. [+20, -6] They're both plastic beauties but Park Minyoung is prettier than Jessica.


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