K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

F(x) fans are frustrated at how f(x) is mistreated

Requested post

Pann: The three tops of f(x)


1. [+223, -11] Ah I really wish SM would promote Luna more. I like Luna but she's not being promoted well. She has good personalities, the sunbaes compliment about her and she's a better singer than Krystal. Krystal sings well too but Luna is a wall you can't climb over. I know Krystal, Sulli and Victoria are pretty but can you also please promote Luna? F(x) is not models, they're singers. And I also want to see Krystal as a singer than being pretty. I personally like Luna and Krystal's clear voices so I listen to them alot.

2. [+184, -79] Why does Sulli keep being promoted without apologizing for her attitude? I don't understand why they keep promoting her. Luna and Amber have much better personalities and attitudes but they're left behind.

3. [+144, -16] I thought only Krystal and Sulli were the pretty ones because SM only promoted those two but looking at these photos, Victoria all-kills them. She's killing it.

4. [+24, -1] Why doesn't SM promote these kids? They're pretty talented and they have very unique music. The first concert they had in four years was a combined concert and it's not like they don't have fans. They only had one fansign and they were ranked in 2nd for selling the most albums in girl groups in 2013. It shows how many fans they have. Their fandom is strong and all so why doesn't SM make a fan club for them? The international medias always praise them but they don't have repackaged albums. Do they know how much they mistreat f(x) fans? I really hope they would promote f(x) well this year.


5. [+22, -0] What about Luna and Amber...?


6. [+20, -0] Honestly f(x) is the best in terms of visuals. They don't have a plastic monster.

7. [+19, -0] I'm a f(x) fan so I'm leaving this comment... I hope they get their own fan club, have their own concert, and a fan meeting. ㅠㅠ

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