K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Female celebrities are jealous of Yoona

Pann: Yoona's new photoshoot, she's so skinny... 


1. [+422, -56] That photoshoot was pretty but this one too... it was totally my type.


2. [+391, -98] Yoona who was chosen to be the most beautiful person by plastic surgeons <3 I'm looking forward to see your performances. Yoona fighting!!


3. [+349, -118] Why are you so butthurt over me? I'm actually working hard to stay fit, it's not like I never gain weight~ Tae Hee unnie, stop bullying me! Your jealousy is too big! ㅠㅠ You're showing your butthurtness with the people you hired for 7 years~ And Suzy, can you also stop with your butthurtness? You've been doing that for 4 years with the people you hired.. I like you both, Tae Hee unnie and Suzy. So let's stay friendly~ I wish you guys good luck! Bye~^^


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