K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Do idols have sex???

Pann: Idols and sex


1. [+69, -2] Do you think only male idols do? Female idols have sex, too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Don't you know about "sponsors"? The entertainment industry is a whole new world from here. The only thing we see is a tip of an iceberg. The industry is much dirtier than you think.

2. [+58, -5] What the fuck, why are you suddenly ruining my mind

3. [+39, -3] Of course they do;;; Idols are girls and guys, do you think they don't? And people have sex when they get married anyways.

4. [+24, -1] IU's picture scandal was accidental. There must be alot of celebrities who have it bigger than IU.

5. [+18, -1] I think idols do have sex with their lovers.. Besides their "singer" title, they're humans - guys and girls.

6. [+17, -2] They do. They're not your boyfriend so don't be hurt about it.

7. [+14, -0] Why did you write this? My kookeu is suddenly breaking ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Well they're guys and girls so they have the right to have sex.

8. [+11, -1] Excuse me.. They're humans, not Sa Ma Cheon (a Chinese eunuch in history)

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