K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Insights of Kris' lawsuit + Korean fans' comments

Regarding to Kris' lawsuit, I talked to B (the EXO sasaeng) whom I posted before. [click to read the post] The post already said Kris was having a hard time with the group, to the point he almost quit the group. Yes Kris' struggle has been going on for a while. This post is based on the conversation of B and me. A lot of info on this post is already revealed, I'm just writing it out to summarize the situation. Some of the info is from Weibo. 

Kris was the only member who was involved in business tasks. He worked between SM staff and Chinese staff. Kris has been scolded a lot and he had to apologize for the mistakes the staff made. He even had to kneel down in front of the members and the managers. None of them were Kris' fault but he was the one who had to be responsible, he had to bow down and apologize.

Kris is very caring and kind irl. He tells fans to get home safe. A fan once put her phone into Kris' bag and pretended to have forgotten it. Kris returned it himself. (it's a famous story)

Kris came to Korea to be an idol because his dream was to become a star. He's an idol but he wanted to be an actor more. After his debut, a lot of Chinese producers were interested in him. But he couldn't get any acting jobs because SM was blocking him. SM never gave him a chance and SM prefers Luhan much more than Kris. When Kris disappeared after debut, he was auditioning in China. SM told him to top and come back, he got sad and ran away to Canada.

EXO members are divided over Kris. In China, Chanyeol followed Kris everywhere because he knew that there are a lot of KrisYeol shippers. But Chanyeol's Instagram post shows clear hate towards Kris. Baekhyun has always been a fair person towards Kris. Baek is staying neutral. Tao used to hang out with Kris a lot but with this issue, he turned his back on Kris. Tao is raging on Insta, Weibo and Kakaotalk. On KKT, he showed his frustration of how his fans think SM staff wrote his Insta post. 

Pictures from Weibo:


Pann: Kris' lawsuit

1. [+168, -50] I'm not siding with Kris but it's ridiculous how people are calling him a betrayer.

2. [+144, -51] I still believe Kris but if he really decides to leave, I want him to tell us the exact reasons for leaving. But honestly Kris is a little wrong with this, he should've at least considered other members... Why didn't he think of the fans who hardly get tickets and spend so much money to go to the concert? Why didn't he consider Korean fans who were cheering for him when K and M were divided...

3. [+140, -39] I'm not an EXO fan but there must be something else going on. It's too early to call him a betrayer.

4. [+44, -23] I'm so disappointed. I know that his schedule is tough but to be strict, this is causing trouble to the members. What are they gonna do with their messed up schedule? The concert? Chinese promotions? He's not even returning to Korea and is talking behind his lawyer, like what the hell is he trying to do? I liked and cared more about M members because I pitied them but this is totally backstabbing the fans. I would've understood him if he sued after the concert. He's only giving us a menboong.

5. [+39, -11] I'm not an EXO fan but we can't just call him a betrayer just because he seems to be earning a lot... Nothing's confirmed so we shouldn't bash him. If the company blocked him too much, we would've understood it because it's a Korean thing but he's from another country. Imagine how lonely and touch he had. It's not like the huge amount of money he earns solves everything.

6. [+35, -10] The articles are saying that he was treated like a product, the schedules were proceeded without his intents, they didn't care about the members' health, and the issue of money. How is Kris a betrayer? We don't know the stories behind it and you shouldn't just bash him.

7. [+34, -13] What SM wants is the corruption of EXO fandom because if the fandom is corrupted, it's easy to media-play it as the member's fault. If the fandom is strongly bounded, the blames go towards the company and SM has to listen to the artists. SM is afraid of the fandom bounding together and they're trying to blame it on Kris. So what we have to do now is to bound strongly.

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