K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Hara's changing face

Pann: Goo Hara's face has changed...?


1. [+89, -21] Woah Goo Hara is reaching the point of a plastic monster... When she got double eyelid surgery, it looked pretty but she's starting to look like a plastic monster with her new nose and her jaw. Why does she keep getting work done?


2. [+82, -3] Goo Hara used to be really pretty... During Rock You, people were all like "who's the girl with apple hair" and went crazy about her. She was even called "Kara the pretty cherry maru" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I miss those days.


3. [+64, -35] I thought she was Son Naeun for two seconds.

4. [+44, -1] Her nostrils look weird. Is it because the photos were taken from a low angle?

5. [+25, -33] Why did you take weird screencaps? I personally think she got work done but you seem like a hater so I want to defend Goo Hara.

6. [+20, -5] She kept getting work done since before.


7. [+17, -6] Why do celebrities keep getting work done and ruin their own faces ㅠㅠ There are so many unfortunate cases.

8. [+14, -0] Goo Hara used to be so pretty during Pretty Girl and Mister. She lost her unique charm.

9. [+13, -1] Her nose... She was such a goddess so why ruin your pretty face!!!

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