December 28, 2018

Pann OP says her 40-year-old husband wants to become a rapper

- Pann OP has been married to his husband for 6 years. OP and husband are 34 and 40 respectively. Their children are 6 and 4.
- Husband is a salaryman and OP is a 7th rank accountant. They finished paying off their house this year and they're starting to save up money.
- Husband confessed OP that he'll work for 2~3 more years and then switch his job to a rapper. He says he considered it for months before telling her.
- OP thinks they should be working until 50 at least to save up for retirement. Husband says he'll do a part-job for his own spendings.


Pann: Husband wants to switch his job to a rapper

1. [+293, -6] Try telling your husband that you also want to pursue your own dream and that you and he should quit jobs together in 3 years. Your kids aren't even in elementary school yet. I know he worked hard for 20 years but this is totally wrong. It's not like people work because they don't have dreams.

2. [+255, -2] I liked hip-hop a lot when I was young and I still do. But this is a breadwinner we're talking about. Show Me The Money is ruining a lot of people... Is he gonna wake up after a good hit on the head? If he wants to pursue the dream, then he should find a peaceful utopia where only the goods exist. You know what I'm sayin'?

3. [+238, -2] It must be because the OP is a public worker. They have a house and the OP gets an annual insurance. He thinks they can live on the insurance when they retire. Anyways, I wish the best for your family, peace.

4. [+141, -0] Switching to a rapper at the age of 40... Who's gonna pay attention to a 40-year-old rapper?

5. [+123, -0] He's pulling bullshits because he has an income source to lean on.

6. [+71, -0] He has two preschool children and yet he wants to quit his job to pursue his dream. How is this not selfish? If he has a tiny sense of responsibility, he'd say he'll do two jobs instead of quitting his original job. He's been a hard-worker all his life? Isn't that everybody? He didn't try his dream when he was young and free because he didn't have courage and now that he's married and has a wife that he can lean on financially, he wants to pursue his dream. It's like asking his wife and children to sacrifice for him.

7. [+59, -0] You know rapper shows like Show Me The Money? Tell him you'll think about it if he gets into the finals on those shows. Before that happens, tell him he'll have to work and be a rapper as a hobby.

8. [+48, -0] I have a feeling that he can't even rap...

9. [+48, -0] Not even worth considering it twice. What is he saying at the age of 40? This is why late affairs are scary.

10. [+45, -0] He can't distinguish hobby and life at his age. I'm sure he'll cause an accident pretty soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+40, -0] OP, tell him that you also want to switch your job to a comedian. Tell him you'll become a gagwoman in 2~3 years because seeing Jang Do Yeon and Park Narae gave you the dream ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+34, -0] Soon enough there will be a show called Daddy Rapper ㅋㅋㅋㅋ