K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Creepy ilbe users

Instiz: A scene from the ilbe episode on The Its Know giving me goosebumps

Female ilbe user interviewed:

Q: "You're the one who posted all of these?"

A: "Yes, I posted all of it."

"The words that are degrading Roh Moo Hyun president and Kim Dae Joong president."

"And Noala. (photoshopped picture of the late president Roh Moo Hyun and a koala) You know, I laugh at these kinds of stuff."

Q: "Do you really find it funny for real?"

A: "Yes. Isn't it obviously funny?"


- If you're in the right state of mind, you can't be on Ilbe

- Is she a sociopath...

- I got goosebumps when she said it was funny

- The fact that they're doing this to dead people...

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