April 28, 2015

IU at her recent fansign

Pann: IU's visual yesterday


1. [+65, -14] Autograph was only allowed on papers but she allowed a fan to get her autograph on their guitar ㅠㅠ so kind


2. [+57, -12] She's so pretty ㅠㅠ


3. [+50, -13] It was the hottest day this year and it was held outside, but her fanservice was really good and she was pretty ㅠㅠ


4. [+30, -2] So cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


5. [+28, -2] It's interesting how she's standing there with heels


6. [+24, -3] IU makes me happy ㅠㅠ She's so cute, she can sing, and she's good to her fans <3

7. [+23, -6] She was legendarily pretty yesterday ㅠㅠ But her stylist make me mad...


8. [+19, -3] Pretty... Her face doesn't get boring!