K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

K-fans of first generation idols bring back the memories

Pann: I was organizing the CDs and flying back to '99~early 2000s


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As One



1. [+258, -7] Ah I really miss '90~00 ㅠㅠ I always used a cassette player to listen to H.O.T, Sechs Kiss, Shinhwa, g.o.d, S.E.S, and Fin K.L. I was a fan of Shinhwa so I exchanged their magazine photos with my friends, bought their photoshoots, notebooks, magazines, posters, uniforms, bought their fan club raincoat.. There was no Internet so I went to the store and ordered their goods, I would get thrilled... I was the fastest person to get the goods so I took them to school and my friends gathered around me to see the goods ㅋㅋ I shouted at them not to damage them. There was no replay so I recorded their shows with tapes and recorded their radio... I listened to Lee Soo Young and Jo Sung Mo and cried because they were like my crush stories... I spent so much money on celebrities. And manhwa was the best so I collected all sorts of cartoons and mangas. I didn't have a cellphone so I wrote letters on notebooks with colors and wrote diaries during class. Email was a trend so I always wrote emails and spent money on decorating my avatar. I skipped going to an academy and hung out with my friends at a playground. We would ride swings and share secrets about our crushes. It was innocent. I thought I would never get old and live like that forever but I'm already 30.... Ah, the world is now an easy place to live but I sometimes miss '90~00. I wrote this long comment because I miss it so much and thinking about it, I got so excited...


2. [+150, -7] I was crazy for Shinhwa... I still like them, of course


3. [+134, -7] I've been a fan for 16 years 


4. [+38, -4] The unfortunate thing is that I went through the first generation of idols but I became a fan in 2004 so I didn't get to experience the fandoms of 1st gen idols ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Why did I become a SHCJ in 2004!!!! What the heck did I do before this ㅠㅠㅠ sobs sobs. But I've been a SHCJ for 10 years... I went to their concert and I was really surprised with high school fans coming to the concert in their school uniforms ㅋㅋ


5. [+37, -2] I fell for Shinhwa with their third album, never thought I'd be a fan until this day. I thank Shinhwa for keeping me as a fan ♥ Do they still sell the old goods? And my ex-boyfriend got rid of my Lee Minwoo pictures ㅠㅠㅠ I want to go back to the old days. And my dad wears the orange raincoat when he goes hiking on rainy days. Dad, please don't...

6. [+33, -2] I was born in 1995 so I don't remember '90s but I clearly remember early 2000s. Those H.O.T drinks. I didn't think I'd become a SHCJ but I was posing in front of a Shinhwa poster when I was young. Those were such good times. I like Shinhwa so much


7. [+32, -15] How dare you forget my oppars' photo!!!


8. [+29, -2] Thank you for keeping your promise for 17 years ♥ Let's make 12th album daebak on October


9. [+28, -0] I was a fan of Yoo Seung Jun in '90s


10. [+26, -1] I miss you guys ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Can't you guys unite again?


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