K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Most popular Korean names

Pann: The most popular names for new babies?

Rank in April, 2014


#1: Min Joon
#2: Seo Joon
#3: Joo Won
#4: Ha Joon
#5: Yeh Joon
#6: Joon Woo
#7: Do Yoon
#8: Ji Hoo
#9: Joon Seo
#10: Ji Ho


#1: Seo Yoon
#2: Seo Yeon
#3: Min Seo
#4: Seo Hyun
#5: Ji Min
#6: Ha Eun
#7: Ha Yoon
#8: Ji Woo, Ji Yoo
#9: Ji Ah


1. [+85, -0] There are so many people named Ji Hye...

2. [+67, -6] What if the boy's last name is Do ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+62, -7] They should name their kids with unique names, not something old-fashioned.

4. [+36, -2] The name I saw the most is Min Ji ㅋㅋ I know so many people named Min Ji. I know five people named "Kim Min Ji"

5. [+34, -1] Min Seo, Yoon Seo, I'm so sick of all Seo's.

6. [+34, -1] Ji Eun is common, too.

7. [+30, -1] Parent should know that their kids get old, too... 

8. [+28, -1] Don't we all know someone named So Young? Whenever I say my name, people go like "oh I have a friend whose name is also So Young"

9. [+21, -0] My name is Park Kennedy. I've never lived overseas and my parents are all Korean. My grandfather lived overseas for a bit and he had a handshake with Kennedy, so he named me with it. When I tell people my name, they always ask me if I lived overseas. It was very hard when I was young but I was able to grow up without rebelling because of my name. You know, if I do something wrong, people will say "Park Kennedy did this!" and they all think of me straight. Names are very important... I'm now satisfied with my name.

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