K-pop, Korean entertainment/culture, Korean fans/netizens [2014~]

Block B's unique hairstyles

Pann: Block B members do a lot of unique hairstyles


1. [+88, -29] Ugh after the Thailand incident, Block B reflected, shaved their head, and didn't have a comeback to reflect themselves and yet people are still bringing up the incident. I know Block B was at fault, the incident will never be forgotten and it will follow them, but it hurts as a fan. They delayed their comeback for the ferry disaster. I hope people would stop bashing them.

2. [+82, -10] It looks like they're competing themselves for a unique hairstyle... Block B is charming...

3. [+59, -10] But they still look good

4. [+27, -1] Block B writing tools


5. [+22, -1] What about this hairstyle?


6. [+21, -1] Secret_of_idol_hair_.jpg ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


7. [+21, -1] As a fan, I'm happy to see Block B Panns but there's the Thailand incident and the overall situation makes me careful. I hope all the missing passengers get rescued and I hope the divers don't get hurt. Thanks to those who are interested in Block B.

8. [+18, -1] I became a fan after listening to Zico's Mix Tape. 4 My Town is so good...

9. [+15, -1] Ah I saw their performance at some year-end stage and I was totally shocked ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I like Block B, they're charming.

10. [+14, -1] I was surprised to see Zico's pre-debut photos in the middle ㅋㅋㅋ Well this picture has to be included. Cultural shock.


11. [+13, -0] Guys, let's do handsome hairstyles ㅋㅋ We should at least get hair to be handsome... (oh wait my eyes are swearing)

12. [+13, -2] It's gonna damage their hair so much.. I wouldn't mind putting your hair down or your messy hair, as long as your hair is healthy. Take care of your body, guys.

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